Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2003
aus (slawisch) Mazedonien

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Einfacher Kreistanz in langsamem Tempo. Rumelaj ist eigentlich der Titel eines Liedes, zu dem Stefan Kotansky den Tanz Yeni Yol gezeigt hat. Yeni Yol ist türkisch und bedeutet "neuer Weg". Es ist wieder einmal eine Variante der Grundstruktur 2 & 1, die in dieser Form insbesondere von mazedonischen Zigeunern getanzt wird.

Musik: 2/4

Schrittarten: Gehschritt, Tipp

Aufstellung: Offener Kreis mit W-Fassung

Vorspiel: beliebig, z.B. 8 Takte

Takt: Zählzeit: Grundform (Front halbrechts)

1 1 RF Tipp neben Standbein

2 RF kleiner Schritt in Tanzrichtung

2 1 LF Tipp neben Standbein

2 LF kleiner Schritt vorwärts in Tanzrichtung, dabei Front zur Mitte

3 1 RF Tipp neben Standbein

2 RF kreuzt (wenig) hinter LF

4 1 LF kleiner Schritt links seitwärts

2 RF kreuzt (wenig) vor LF

5-6 Takt 3-4 gegengleich wiederholen, dann wieder Front halbrechts

Variation: Drehung

Auf Zeichen der/des ersten Tänzers/in wird im Takt 1-2 eine ganze

Rechtsdrehung ausgeführt.

Quelle: Stefan Kotansky
Tanzbeschreibung: © Michel Hepp

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Kendime - Turkey
Kendime - Turkey
Line dance, W-position, Meter 2/4

All steps are done with a slight flexing of the knees, and the arms have a slight up and down motion.

Count Step
1-4 Facing R, take 4 steps, starting with R foot.
5-6 Facing center, step on R in place (5), touch L (6).
7-8 Step slightly forward on L (7), lift R foot behind L leg right above the ankle, and bend back slightly (8).

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warte auf das
Popsongs als Jazzthemen,und jetzt höre ich diese Programme Jazz live with friends.

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Zemer Atik - Israel
Zemer Atik - Israel

Choreographed by Rivka Sturman - 1955
Line dance, Meter 4/4

The arm position for Part I is a little unusual. Put your L hand on your own L shoulder with the palm facing up, put your R hand, palm down, on the L hand which is on the shoulder of the person in front of you.

Measure Count Step
Part I
1 1-4 Facing R, step forward on R foot (1), step forward on L foot (2), step forward on R foot (3), step forward on L foot (4).
2 1-2 Step forward on R foot (1), lean slightly to R and clap hands up and to the R (2), clap hands again (&).
3-4 Repeat this measure, counts 1-2 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
3-8 Repeat measures 1-2 three times.
Part II
1 1-4 Facing center, drop hands and step forward on R foot, bringing arms up into W-position (1), snap fingers up and to the R (2), step forward on L (3), snap fingers up and to the L (4).
2 1-4 Step backwards on R foot (1), step backwards on L foot (2), step backwards on R foot (3), step backwards on L foot (4). During this measure the arms come back down.
3-8 Repeat measures 1-2 three times. At the end, turn to face R and resume the arm position of Part I.

Online HörenZemer Atik


Zemer Atik

Od nasuva el nigun atik
vehazemer yif veye'erav
Od gavia meshumar nashik, nashik,
alizei einayim ulevav.

Tovu, tovu ohaleinu
ki machol hiftsi'a
Tovu, tovu ohaleinu,
od nashuva el niguyn

Auf Englisch:

Ancient melody

We will return again to an ancient melody
and the song will linger on.
When we raise our glasses together
our eyes and hearts will be bright.

How good are our tents
because there's dancing there.
How good are our tents
still we return to an ancient melody.

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Od Lo Ahavti Dai - Israel
Od Lo Ahavti Dai - Israel

Choreographed by Yankele Levy
Circle Dance, arms in V-Position. Meter 4/4

Measure Count Step
Part I
1 1-4 (Grapevine step to L ) Facing center, cross R foot over L foot (1), step on L foot to L (2), cross R foot behind L foot (3), step on L foot to L (4)
2 Repeat measure 1.
3 1-4 (Cherkessiya step) Step forward on R foot (1), step on L foot in place (2), step backwards on R foot (3), step on L foot in place (4)
4 Repeat measure 3
5-8 Repeat measures 1-4
Part II
1 1-4 Walk into center with 4 steps starting with R foot. While doing this, raise the arms, and on beat drop hands and clap.
2 1-4 Walk backwards away from center with 4 steps, starting with R foot. While doing this, lower arms back to V-position (no clap).
3 1-2 Right before count 1, do a quick little hop or bounce on L foot (uh), step on R foot to R (1), cross L foot over R foot (2).
3-4 Repeat counts 1-2
4 1-4 Make four step complete turn to the R, starting with the R foot, ending facing center.
5-8 Repeat measures 1-4.
Note Don't forget, as soon as you have finished the turn to the R, you have to be ready to start the grapevine to the L by crossing the R foot over the L foot.

Musikclip:Od Lo Ahavti Dai2:33 N/A

Od Lo Ahavti (I haven't Yet Loved)
Music: Naomi Shemer
Lyrics: Naomi Shemer

Be'ele hayadayim od lo baniti kfar,
Od lo matzati mayim be'emtza hamidbar
Od lo tziyarti perakh, od lo giliti eykh
Tovil oti haderekh ule'an ani holekh

Od lo ahavti day
Haruakh vehashemesh al panay
Od lo amarti day
Ve im lo, im lo akhshav - eymatay?

Od lo shatalti deshe, od lo hekamti ir,
Od lo natati kerem al kol giv'ot hagir
Od lo hakol asiti mamash bemo yaday
Od lo hakol nisiti, od lo ahavti day.


Od lo hekamti shevet, od lo khibarti shir,
Od lo yarad li sheleg be'emtza hakatzir.
Ani od lo katavti et zikhronotay
Od lo baniti li et beyt khalomotay


Ve'af alpi she'at po, ve'at kol kakh yafa
Mimekh ani boreakh kemo mimagefa
Od yesh harbe dvarim sheratziti laasot
At betakh tislekhi li gam bashana hazot.


Auf Englisch:

I haven't Yet Loved

With these hands I haven't yet build a village,
Haven't yet found water in the middle of the wilderness,
Haven't yet painted a flower, I haven't yet discovered how
the path leads me and to where I am going

I haven't loved enough,
The wind and sun on my face.
I haven't said "enough",
And if not now - when?

Haven't yet sowed a lawn, I haven't raised a city.
Haven't yet planted a vineyard on every hills of chalk.
Haven't yet done everything with my very own hands.
Haven't yet tried everything, I haven't yet loved enough.


Haven't yet raised a tribe, I haven't composed a song yet,
Haven't yet had snow fall for me in the middle of summer.
I haven't yet written my memoirs,
I haven't yet built the house of my dreams.


And even though you're here, and you're so very pretty,
From you I flee, as if from a plague.
There are still a lot of things that I wish to do.
You will surely forgive me this year.


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