Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2003
Zemer Atik - Israel
Zemer Atik - Israel

Choreographed by Rivka Sturman - 1955
Line dance, Meter 4/4

The arm position for Part I is a little unusual. Put your L hand on your own L shoulder with the palm facing up, put your R hand, palm down, on the L hand which is on the shoulder of the person in front of you.

Measure Count Step
Part I
1 1-4 Facing R, step forward on R foot (1), step forward on L foot (2), step forward on R foot (3), step forward on L foot (4).
2 1-2 Step forward on R foot (1), lean slightly to R and clap hands up and to the R (2), clap hands again (&).
3-4 Repeat this measure, counts 1-2 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
3-8 Repeat measures 1-2 three times.
Part II
1 1-4 Facing center, drop hands and step forward on R foot, bringing arms up into W-position (1), snap fingers up and to the R (2), step forward on L (3), snap fingers up and to the L (4).
2 1-4 Step backwards on R foot (1), step backwards on L foot (2), step backwards on R foot (3), step backwards on L foot (4). During this measure the arms come back down.
3-8 Repeat measures 1-2 three times. At the end, turn to face R and resume the arm position of Part I.

Online HörenZemer Atik


Zemer Atik

Od nasuva el nigun atik
vehazemer yif veye'erav
Od gavia meshumar nashik, nashik,
alizei einayim ulevav.

Tovu, tovu ohaleinu
ki machol hiftsi'a
Tovu, tovu ohaleinu,
od nashuva el niguyn

Auf Englisch:

Ancient melody

We will return again to an ancient melody
and the song will linger on.
When we raise our glasses together
our eyes and hearts will be bright.

How good are our tents
because there's dancing there.
How good are our tents
still we return to an ancient melody.

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